Kauri Profile

To date, Kauri has successfully delivered many large-scale development projects across the industrial, retail, office, and housing sectors. Our track record and longstanding relationships provide us access to funding sources and industry professionals for complex projects even in challenging markets. With an extensive network of trusted suppliers, Kauri offers value for our clients through its connections and reputation as an all-in-one development consultancy service.
Having formulated a project plan, we select the appropriate procurement strategy and consultants for the design process, we also oversee the appointment of construction contractors. At every stage, we manage approvals and reporting, including regular updates to key project stakeholders.
Comfort is knowing Kauri’s extensive experience and deep knowledge of the industry provides long-term value to your project.
To date, Kauri has successfully delivered many large-scale development projects across sectors including industrial, retail, office, and housing. Our track record and longstanding relationships provide us access to funding sources and industry professionals for complex projects even in challenging markets. With an extensive network of trusted suppliers, Kauri offers value for our partners through its connections and reputation as an all-in-one development consultancy service.
Having formulated a project plan, we select the appropriate procurement strategy and consultants for the design process, we also oversee the appointment of construction contractors. At every stage, we manage approvals and reporting, including regular updates to key project stakeholders.
Comfort is knowing Kauri’s extensive experience and deep knowledge of the industry provides long-term value to your project.
Julian Brown
Julian started his property career in Auckland before moving to London to found Kauri Investments Ltd (KIL) and Kauri CAB Management GmbH in Berlin (KCM).
Together with institutional capital partners, between 2004 and 2013 Julian led the acquisition, development and management of 60 properties in London, Germany and Poland with a purchase value of €255M. These properties included Office, small and big-box Retail, Logistics and more than 1,250 residential units.
Julian leads the team at Kauri to provide a tailored suite of investment and development services including feasibility, financing, reporting, contract negotiation and stakeholder engagement.
Julian started his property career in Auckland before moving to London to found Kauri Investments Ltd (KIL) and Kauri CAB Management GmbH in Berlin (KCM).
Together with institutional capital partners, between 2004 and 2013 Julian led the acquisition, development and management of 60 properties in London, Germany and Poland with a purchase value of €255M. These properties included Office, small and big-box Retail, Logistics and more than 1,250 residential units.
Julian leads the team at Kauri to provide a tailored suite of investment and development services including feasibility, financing, reporting, contract negotiation and stakeholder engagement.
Ko Makeo me Tarakeha ngā maunga
Ko Waiaua me Ōpape ngā awa
Ko Nukutere me Matātua ngā waka
Ko Te Whakatōhea te iwi
Ko Ngāti Patumoana me Ngāi Tamahaua ngā hapū
Ko Waiaua me Ōpape nga Pā
Ko Ruamoko me Muriwai ngā whare tīpuna
Ko Te Puritanga me Tāpairu ngā whare kai
Ko Julian Brown ahau
Ko Maungapōhatu me Pukenuioraho ngā maunga
Ko Tauranga te awa
Ko Matātua me Rangimātoru ngā waka
Ko Ngāi Tūhoe te iwi
Ko Tamakaimoana me Ngāti Raka ngā hapū
Ko Te Māpou me Tataiāhape ngā pā
Ko Tanenuiārangi me Takutaioterangi ngā whare tīpuna
Ko Hineahuone me Tereke ngā whare kai
Ko Julian Brown ahau
Statement of Identity
Ko Makeo me Tarakeha ngā maunga
Ko Waiaua me Ōpape ngā awa
Ko Nukutere me Matātua ngā waka
Ko Te Whakatōhea te iwi
Ko Ngāti Patumoana me Ngāi Tamahaua ngā hapū
Ko Waiaua me Ōpape nga Pā
Ko Ruamoko me Muriwai ngā whare tīpuna
Ko Te Puritanga me Tāpairu ngā whare kai
Ko Julian Brown ahau
Ko Maungapōhatu me Pukenuioraho ngā maunga
Ko Tauranga te awa
Ko Matātua me Rangimātoru ngā waka
Ko Ngāi Tūhoe te iwi
Ko Tamakaimoana me Ngāti Raka ngā hapū
Ko Te Māpou me Tataiāhape ngā pā
Ko Tanenuiārangi me Takutaioterangi ngā whare tīpuna
Ko Hineahuone me Tereke ngā whare kai
Ko Julian Brown ahau
Kauri Advisors Ltd takes its name “Kauri”, from a native tree of New Zealand, which is the Māori name for Agathis australis.
The New Zealand Kauri tree belongs to a small family of related trees found in Indonesia, Australia, some South Western Pacific Islands as well as New Zealand known under the general name Kauri.
Some interesting facts is that the Kauri tree’s heritage is one of the oldest in the world and that it has changed very little in its 220-million-year-old history. Additionally, it holds the record for possessing and producing the largest wood volume of any tree and specimens have been known to be aged in the thousands of years.
The indigenous Māori people of New Zealand favoured the Kauri tree for making large canoes and the soot of burnt wood for the pigment used in traditional tattooing.
It is believed that the word ‘Kauri’ is a shortening of the Māori word ‘Rākaūri’ which translates in English to ‘black wood’, this likely relates to the dark black soot produced by burning the wood.
In Te Reo Māori (Māori language) there exists a deeper level of meaning and understanding of words, this is called “Te Reo Huna” (The hidden language). The hidden language of Rākaūri and its shortened form Kauri are:
Rā = The Sun/The divine spark
Kā = to ignite
U = to give sustenance, Papatūānuku (Mother Earth)
Uri = Offspring, relative
Therefore, the “Reo Huna” of the name/word “Rākaūri”, can be deemed to mean:
The Sun/Divine spark that ignites and gives sustenance to Mother Earth and her offspring.
The “Reo Huna” of the shortened form “Kauri” meaning:
Ignites and gives sustenance to Mother Earth and her offspring.
What's in a name?
Kauri Advisors Ltd takes its name “Kauri”, from a native tree of New Zealand, which is the Māori name for Agathis australis. The New Zealand Kauri tree belongs to a small family of related trees found in Indonesia, Australia, some South Western Pacific Islands as well as New Zealand known under the general name Kauri.
Some interesting facts is that the Kauri tree’s heritage is one of the oldest in the world and that it has changed very little in its 220-million-year-old history. Additionally, it holds the record for possessing and producing the largest wood volume of any tree and specimens have been known to be aged in the thousands of years.
The indigenous Māori people of New Zealand favoured the Kauri tree for making large canoes and the soot of burnt wood for the pigment used in traditional tattooing. It is believed that the word ‘Kauri’ is a shortening of the Māori word ‘Rākaūri’ which translates in English to ‘black wood’, this likely relates to the dark black soot produced by burning the wood.
In Te Reo Māori (Māori language) there exists a deeper level of meaning and understanding of words, this is called “Te Reo Huna” (The hidden language). The hidden language of Rākaūri and its shortened form Kauri are:
Rā = The Sun/The divine spark
Kā = to ignite
U = to give sustenance, Papatūānuku (Mother Earth)
Uri = Offspring, relative
Therefore, the “Reo Huna” of the name/word “Rākaūri”, can be deemed to mean:
The Sun/Divine spark that ignites and gives sustenance to Mother Earth and her offspring.
The “Reo Huna” of the shortened form “Kauri” meaning:
Ignites and gives sustenance to Mother Earth and her offspring.